Hello Humanity
Today, let's take a look at fennel.
This plant is entirely edible, and very often used in other parts of the world for everything from snacking to adding lightly sweet flavor to cooked dishes to becoming key aspects of legends.
In Roman and Egyptian tales, the warriors would wear it around their necks, believing it would give them strength, courage, and longevity.
In Medieval lore, it was supposedly used to block spells and evil spirits, acting as a purifier.
Though I cannot speak for sure about other cultures, I know first hand that "finnochio" (the term for fennel in Italian) is oft enjoyed in the Italian household, as a light and refreshing treat.
The sweet, earthy aroma has an anise-like tone, and is very cleansing to the stomach, even without looking at the reasons behind the niceness.
But, since this is a blog of not only appreciation but investigation, let's look at the "whats" and "whys" behind this awesome plant.
To begin, the essence of this plant has its greatest affect on the digestive and hormonal systems (which already uncovers the "why" behind Italian usage!).
More specific benefits of the essential oil include:
-anti parasitic/vermifuge - kills off and cleanses body of parasitic infestations
-stimulant - of a majority of the body's systems including brain,
nervous system, endocrine system, and digestive system; aids in
overcoming dizziness, fatigue, and depression
-analgesic - helps calm pain and numb excess pain
-antiseptic - cleanses and tones overall
-diuretic - purifies kidneys and rids body of excess water
-expectorant - cleans out sinus tracts
-antifungal - kills off and blocks fungal infections
-anti inflammatory - fights inflammation
-antispasmodic - calms spasms, including coughing and hiccups
-anti tumeral - fights tumours
-anti toxic - rids body of toxins
-aids digestion and metabolism - causes intestines/digestive system to run smoothly; helps make tummy calm; regulates metabolism; helps stomach to be happy
-depuritive - purifies blood and intestines
Overall, it is really a beautiful oil to have on hand, and/or vegetable to try out, for so many reasons.
Very toning and assisting to many vital bodily functions.
-O&H Treasure Hunter
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