Hello Humanity
The post for today is an introduction to the other half of this blog, besides essential oil..
Let's talk about herbs.
Herbs: any plant used for flavoring, medicine, smell, or for food.
Now, I realize that at first glance, that can seem almost ridiculous.
"Herbs? I already got this. Cinnamon on sweet things, basil on Italian. And my stuff tastes great. Done."
Well that is all great, but what about the other dozen spices hiding and/or collecting dust in your kitchen cabinet? You know the ones.. with the weird names like tarragon and marjoram..
And what about other uses for those, and all herbs in general?
Here's the thing: both families of herbs and spices are INTENSE when it comes to uses. And most people know nothing about them. And by most people, I certainly count myself as one! Which is why I have decided to do some serious research on the subjects!
When fresh, they do have the essential oils still intact (which, you may recall, is on the surface of the plant, acting as defense, protector, and nerve center).
And it is important to recall that essential oils, being the condensed part of the plants, are much stronger than their parent plants.
However, because of the distillation process to create the best qualities and most pure oils, nutrients such as vitamins and minerals cannot make it through into the essential oil you get in a bottle.
In the herbs, the vitamins and minerals are the most present component of the chemical makeup!
But both are beneficial, and both are deserving of your time and use.
Herbs can be like the little extra helpers. Plus, they seriously make food taste waaay better, and are therefore very fun to use and experiment with!
Also, here is a quick definition of herbs/spices to help differentiate, which is mostly different in the culinary sense of the word:
Herbs: the dried or fresh leafy/green part
Spices: the dried seeds, bark, flowers, or berries
So, now that the introductory posts are posted, it is time to get onto the awesome part...
On to discover the amazing qualities of these little members in God's creation!
Let's get to really talking about these Herbs and Oils!!
-O&H Treasure Hunter
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