Verse of the Day!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Oregano Herb & Essential Oil

Hello Humanity

So, oregano.

The health benefits of this plant source are literally brimming over with life.

It seems so simple, but suddenly you open up your mind to the knowledge of what lies therein, and realize that, though the green leaves are merely a brown wooden chest, inside you'll find a treasure hunter's dream in usefulness.

First let's talk about the benefits of the essential oil. Keep in mind that the herb will have the same benefits, but in way smaller amounts, since it is not condensed. The herb, however, has multiple amazing vitamin and mineral properties that the oil does not have so much. More on that later.

Oregano essential oil is:
  • anti-viral - this means super protection against viruses! And not just precautionary, but healing, too!
  • anti-bacterial - super protection from all bad bacteria
  • anti-fungal - just in case virus and bacteria protection wasn't quite enough, it throws in protection against the entire other germ center of diseases... fungi.
  • anti-oxidant - though now a cause of diseases in the way of the other three, oxidation from free radicals can wreak havoc in the body via degeneration and promotion of cancers. Way to go, oregano:)
  • anti-inflammatory - both internal and external inflammation is extinguished
  • anti-parasitic - round worms, tape worms, lice, bed bugs, mosquitoes, fleas... not creatures anyone likes to have around. Ever. At all. Oregano would like to help you with that.
  • digestive - to protect you from the intensity of the other properties, it is a digestive. That means it promotes digestive secretion, protecting your stomach/intestinal linings.
  • emenagogue - promotes menstrual ease and regularness. 
  • congestion-relief - almost feels implied by the other things listed...kinda crazy
  • skin irritation relief - by which I am referring to incredible healing of eczema, psoriasis, athlete's food, etc. 
Oregano the herb contains:
(RDA per 100g)
100 g of oregano herb provides:
Dietary fiber- 107% (Percent of RDA) (RDA- Recommended daily allowance)
Folates- 69%
Pyridoxine- 93%
Vitamin-C- 83%
Vitamin-K- 518%
Iron- 550%
Carotene-ß- 4112 mcg.
- See more at:
100 g of oregano herb provides:
Dietary fiber- 107% (Percent of RDA) (RDA- Recommended daily allowance)
Folates- 69%
Pyridoxine- 93%
Vitamin-C- 83%
Vitamin-K- 518%
Iron- 550%
Carotene-ß- 4112 mcg.
- See more at:
  • 550% Iron
  • 515% vitamin K
  • 230% vitamin A
  • 203% manganese
  • 93% pyridoxine
  • 83% vitamin C
  • 69% folates
How amazing is that!

So, I suggest this herb/oil to add to your medicine cabinet! Plus, the beautiful thing about herbs is they are insanely easy to add into a day, since you could enjoy experimenting with it in a variety of dishes. If you are looking for somewhere to start in that thought, go for Italian or Mediterranean ideas.

-O&H Treasure Hunter 

(some of the helpful links I got my sources from:;

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Lemon Essential Oil

Hello Humanity

So... Lemon Essential Oil...

It's a beautiful thing, really..

Not only does it smell marvelous, but it also makes you feel marvelous. Not kidding.

Notes from personal experience with lemon oil:
-has substantial impact on lifting mood and ending depression..
-a natural energy boost in a smell-good, positive-benefit, healthful little bottle:)
-has a very calming effect on anxiety/perplexed nerves.
-tastes amazing in water (which is also an internal cleansing) and works fantastically in cooking/baking. (If baking with essential oil, use 1/8 of the amount you would have used in extract)

Here are 4 more benefits of lemon oil:
1) disinfectant: as a antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral and astringent, it is a prime choice for all cleaning needs
2) dental care: use as a mouthwash mixed with some water, and you have discovered one of the best recipes for a fresh and super clean mouth
3) immune boost: use to solve your case of an irritating cough, fever, or other basic cold/flu situations... lemon oil is anti-viral and anti-bacterial so it will fight at both sources; also, it is an immune stimulant and expectorant
4) insect repellent: when mixed with water, makes an excellent repellent..however, a warning is issued here because lemon oil causes a higher photo sensitivity, meaning it can make you more susceptible to sun burns and issues in some cases
5) digestive qualms: calm your qualms with this gentle, cleansing, regulating, uplifting oil

It's really lovely in it's simplicity and usefulness...

-O&H Treasure Hunter

Sunday, June 16, 2013


Hello Humanity

Today, let's learn about peppermint.

For the sake  of this post and simplicity and accuracy, you may notice that I am mostly referring to the oil... but these benefits are from peppermint in general. The difference is more a matter of the intensity. For example, 1 drop of peppermint is the equivalent effectiveness of 25-30 cups of peppermint tea.. Kind of crazy!

This is one of the most versatile, basic oils that really should be a foundation for any person's oil collection. Because of its usefulness for everyday circumstances and needs, it is a prime choice for anyone looking for a good oil to start with. Besides the fact that it smells just plain awesome. :)

First, a short history of this oil: because of the findings and recordings and uses of peppermint, it is sometimes referred to as the world's oldest medicine.  Researchers have even found it in some Egyptian tombs! It is actually a hybrid between watermint and spearmint. Though native to the Mediterranean/European areas, it is now cultivated in several places throughout the world.

Now, without further ado, I will jump right into a piece of the long list for why I am so psyched about peppermint:

1) Analgesic: can greatly reduce or get rid of pain. It is also very cooling.

2) Anesthetic: produces a slight loss of sensation (not a scary amount.. I use this everyday. It has a slight numbing effect to the place you apply it, but since it works to assist the cells with whatever they need, it will not produce a negative numbing. If you are injured, it would assist the cells in lessening pain)

3) Antiseptic: prevents, resists and counteracts putrefaction (which is a fancy way of saying decay). Because of this, diffusing into the air will get rid of many harmful microorganisms. And just imagine what awesome qualities the reversal of decay has internally as well...

4) Antiphlogistic: actually will reduce inflammation and swelling. And trust me, it works.

5) Antispasmodic: definitely helps nerves, and lessens irratibility (another one I have personal testimony with). Also, this means it helps control/stop involuntary spasms.

6) Astringent: will literally contract tissues. You'd think I would know the definiton of that word by now, having gone through most of my teenage years already, but I did not. This is pretty cool.

7) Carminative: basically a huge digestive help. Stimulates what must be stimulated for things to go smoothly in the gastrointestinal tracts.

8) Cephalic: specifically designed (by God's awesome hands!) to heal/promote well-being of cerebral conditions and workings and diseases

9) Cholagogue: definitely a new word for me. This means that it "promotes increased flow and discharge of bile into the intestines by contracting the bile ducts", as I have learned!

10) Cordial: a two-in-one- a cardiac-stimulation while warming the stomach

11) Decongestant: un-congests you ;)

12) Emmenagogue: helps womanly systems regulate and run smoothly

13) Expectorant: expect this to help that pesky cough

14) Febrifuge: reduces fever! No kidding. Very much works.

15) Hepatic: basically helps regulate the liver, its functions, and its regularities.

16) Nervine: nerve-helper:)

17) Stimulant: increases function, well-being, and nerve health. Love this effect. Very helpful.

18) Stomachic: stimulates/tones stomach (appearance, functions, etc). Definitely aids in digestion!

19) Sudorific: "stops local bleeding and hemorrhaging, applied externally"... is it weird to say I want to try this and watch the awesomeness work? Probably. Please don't let that stop you from reading:P

20) Vermifuge: helps rid intestinal worms. Uh.. gross. But great for what it does..

Also, for some simpler examples without the fancy words, check this out:

-helps relieve indigestion/nausea/IBS like they never happened
-totally helps dental wellness (think toothpaste.. and thank scientists who thought of that!)
-very much helps respiratory problems, from sinus congestion to allergies to asthma.. and I      have personal testimonials of self and close friends on all three accounts!
-zaps headaches out of buisness
-jumpstarts immune system
-improves blood circulation
-can help relieve skin/hair issues (like psoriasis and eczema) because of the cooling effect

So, that's all for now folks! :)

-O&H Treasure Hunter

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Why Herbs?

Hello Humanity

The post for today is an introduction to the other half of this blog, besides essential oil..

Let's talk about herbs.

Herbs: any plant used for flavoring, medicine, smell, or for food.

Now, I realize that at first glance, that can seem almost ridiculous.

"Herbs? I already got this. Cinnamon on sweet things, basil on Italian. And my stuff tastes great. Done."

Well that is all great, but what about the other dozen spices hiding and/or collecting dust in your kitchen cabinet? You know the ones.. with the weird names like tarragon and marjoram..

And what about other uses for those, and all herbs in general?

Here's the thing: both families of herbs and spices are INTENSE when it comes to uses. And most people know nothing about them. And by most people, I certainly count myself as one! Which is why I have decided to do some serious research on the subjects!

When fresh, they do have the essential oils still intact (which, you may recall, is on the surface of the plant, acting as defense, protector, and nerve center).

And it is important to recall that essential oils, being the condensed part of the plants, are much stronger than their parent plants.

However, because of the distillation process to create the best qualities and most pure oils, nutrients such as vitamins and minerals cannot make it through into the essential oil you get in a bottle.

In the herbs, the vitamins and minerals are the most present component of the chemical makeup!

 But both are beneficial, and both are deserving of your time and use.

Herbs can be like the little extra helpers. Plus, they seriously make food taste waaay better, and are therefore very fun to use and experiment with!

Also, here is a quick definition of herbs/spices to help differentiate, which is mostly different in the culinary sense of the word:
  Herbs: the dried or fresh leafy/green part
  Spices: the dried seeds, bark, flowers, or berries

So, now that the introductory posts are posted, it is time to get onto the awesome part...

On to discover the amazing qualities of these little members in God's creation!

Let's get to really talking about these Herbs and Oils!!

-O&H Treasure Hunter

Sunday, June 2, 2013

What are essential oils?

Hello Humanity

Today I just want to give a basic rundown to answer a common question..

"What the heck are these essential oils anyway???"

You've probably heard of them, or seen them in a health food store, or smelled them through aromatherapy, or maybe even sat through someone's explanation on why they love them so sooo much.

But that doesn't help when you're still unsure of what on earth it even is!

Essential oils are the intricate, phytochemical make-up of the plant itself. Literally a "living energy", as they have been referenced.

The compounds that they are made up of are like the entire nervous and internal system of the plant.. the protectors, the signals, the survival instincts... everything.

Because the molecular structure of the oil is sooo incredibly small, it can get into the very center of your cells!!

And not only can it do this, but it certainly does... and one drop of a pure oil will have made it to every cell in your body within about 20 seconds.... which is insanely awesome.

"Why in the world would I think that's awesome??"

Good question!

Because, just as the oils are the protective, restorative, and defensive mechanisms of the plant, they will also act as protective, restorative, and defensive lines in your own body!!!

There have been testimonials after testimonials, studies after studies that prove the effectiveness and incredible power of these things that God has made.

They have been shown to be able to cure everything from the small things like headaches, to huge things such as chronic fatigue, varying degrees of paralysis, and potentially even cancer!

Now, look at this basic definition from Google's dictionary-

essential oil (noun): A natural oil typically obtained by distillation and having the characteristic fragrance of the plant or other source from which it is extracted

What Google defines it as is true.. it is natural, is made by distillation, and has the fragrance of its origin.

And that's all fine and dandy if you're looking for another genre of perfume or if you just like "smell-goods" to be diffused into a home or workplace office. After all, there is much to be said about aromatherapy's benefits, even before one gets talking about any other benefits.

But if that's all they are, I certainly would not be such an avid advocator of just another commodity!

You should beware that if you are using an essential oil that is not made by harvesting the plants in high standard, high quality ways, then Google's definition is the only usefulness of what you have found in that little bottle.

However, there is another level of these powerful oils. A therapeutic, medicinal level, healing power quality in the pure forms of essential oils.. and it is incredible.

The difference is in the way the plants are grown, harvested, and distilled (see my note about the companies of merit below).

Whether you are looking for a truly beneficial way to scent or clean your home, solve serious medical issues, or improve emotional/physical well-being, essential oils are the way to go!!!!

-O&H Treasure Hunter

P.S. I have done tooooonnnnsss of research to try and discover which essential oils company is actually the best. This can be difficult to navigate through, since there are so many nice companies with so much good to say about their product... even going so far as to write "therapeutic" "pure" and other such deceiving things on their product label!

So who should you get your oils from, with so much to decipher?

 From my research, I have found that Young Living & doTERRA are the only two, truly pure, truly safe and effective oils.

Now, as the posts pop up every Sunday evening on this blog, it may become apparent to you that you too truly believe in the factual awesomeness and want to get some for your own use.

If so, feel free to contact me.. I know several people who are distributors for both companies, and would love to connect you to them:)